Shocking news for all Pubg players.
On 2 September 2020 the government has banned total 118 apps including Pubg.Now no more Chicken Dinner or I got supplies would exist. Out of 118, some of them are WeChat, Rise of Kingdom, CamCards and no doubt Pubg mobile. Many Indian youths are still in Shock and they have anger towards government's decision of banning Pubg. Some are talking about boycotting the government.After all, Why did the government ban Pubg mobile in India?
The Indo-China border is often surrounded with controversies. After years of silence on the border, India-China relations took a vigorous turn. Few months back there was a skirmish between soldiers of both countries in Galwan valley.
China wants India to stay in its lane as they were very upset about the progress of infrastructure development on India's border. They felt that this will negate (nullify) their advantages.- Said by former diplomat Rajiv Bhatia. And due to this border tussle in Ladakh, 20 Indian soldiers including a colonel were led to death by Chinese arms on Monday 16 June 2020. This news created a sensation in the whole country.
First this Covid-19 pandemic and then this news both constrain the government to take strict actions toward them. Well, the government has not disclosed this fact yet.
They are saying that these apps are leaking the privacy of crores of Indian.
"The decision is targeted to ensure safety and security to Indian cyberspace," - said by Indian IT ministry.
There is an adage that if you want to destroy an enemy's castle, then first destroy its base. In the same way India decided to collapse their market by striking digitally.
Indian government proclaimed its first digital strike on 29 June 2020 by banning total 59 apps including Tiktok.And again on 2 september,2020 by banning 118 apps, including Pubg.
Positive impact on India over Pubg ban
A notable big blow to china -Sources have revealed that Tencent loses $14 billion in market value. It shares a fall of 2% after India banned Pubg.
Future possibility- Though Pubg is created by South Korean company Bluehole and Tencent is only a distributor who holds 10% stake of the parent company. It is being said that Bluehole company may break their alliance with Tencent and will find another distributor to relaunch in india.
Reel vs Real
Pubg is just a reel game, which is inspired by real battlefields, but tussle on indo- china Border is real. In real battlefield, your teammates can't revive you by calling you behind the stone or broken wall.
Neither any medkits nor bandages heal the wounds of injured soldiers. Pubg is a survival game where players save their life to get chicken dinner. But in real battlefield, soldiers are sacrificing their lives for us.
you must have felt sad or furious whenever you have heard about soldiers death on the border. Right? At that time everyone asks the government for revenge. But today if the same government is taking action then everybody is getting furious. After all, why? Do you know? One Chinese app is equal to their 1000 Soldiers, or even more than that. So think how weak our government has made them by banning their 118 + 59 apps.
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